CaCHE reports outline COVID-19 homelessness responses and domestic abuse policies of home nations

CaCHE reports outline COVID-19 homelessness responses and domestic abuse policies of home nations

The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) has published two interim reports into the COVID-19 crisis response to homelessness in Great Britain and domestic abuse policy in the four nations of the UK prior to the pandemic.

The Covid-19 crisis response to homelessness in Great Britain offers some preliminary findings from the comparative examination of research into homelessness across England, Scotland and Wales from the initial lockdown in March 2020 until the end of the year.

This report focuses on the period from the start of the initial lockdown in the UK, until the end of the year (December 2020), with a particular focus on policy and practice responses during the initial lockdown period.

The report offers preliminary findings in response to the following research questions:

  • What have been the main components of the crisis response to homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How have these crisis responses differed both between the three GB jurisdictions?
  • What level of (additional) resources have been devoted to efforts to support homeless people during the crisis?
  • What have been the discernible outcomes of these crisis interventions, both positive and negative?
  • What impact has the pre-pandemic policy, legal and funding context for homelessness had on the scale and
    effectiveness of COVID-19 crisis interventions?
  • What, if any, elements of the COVID-19 crisis response should be embedded in post-pandemic homelessness
    policy and practice?
  • How do GB responses to homelessness during the pandemic compare with that of other Global North countries?

In Domestic abuse and housing: Connections and disconnections in the pre-COVID-19 policy worldAnnette Hastings, Mhairi Mackenzie and Alice Earley set out the direction of travel and state of play in domestic abuse policy in the four nations of the UK prior to the pandemic.

It establishes a baseline of policy plans put at risk by the pandemic to enable a robust analysis to be made of the nature and scale of subsequent policy impacts. 

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