Plans to build 41 flats in Aberdeen withdrawn

CALA Management Ltd and Voluntary Services Aberdeen (VSA) have withdrawn plans submitted to Aberdeen City Council to build 41 flats in the city.

Plans to build 41 flats in Aberdeen withdrawn

Proposals had been submitted to Aberdeen City Council to build a residential development of 41 new flats, spread over four storeys with car parking and landscaping at 22 King’s Gate.

Documents submitted alongside the plans said: “The site offers an opportunity to create a new flatted block of a scale appropriate and in keeping with the adjacent villas and larger individual plots.

“The sloping nature of Kings Gate and the tall existing trees along the southern boundary assist with the integration of the proposed building.

“The new flatted block provides an opportunity to enhance and contribute to the existing residential accommodation within Richmondhill Court and Richmondhill Place.”

Mike Naysmith, managing director of CALA Homes (North), told the Evening Express: “We remain confident that our proposal alongside VSA stood the tests set out in planning policy.

“However, given the points raised in the planning officer’s report to the planning committee, not all of which we agreed with, we acknowledge that our proposal would benefit from further consideration with key stakeholders and as such we have withdrawn the application.

“We will now seek to discuss design principles with Aberdeen City Council before considering a future submission.”

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