Scrutiny stories from all over Scotland shared at TIS Conference

Flyer front pictureTenants, housing staff, elected members and board members came together last week to share their scrutiny stories at a conference organised by TIS.

As part of the national TIS Scrutiny ‘Making It Happen’ Programme, the day showcased a range of innovative scrutiny stories which have made a difference to tenants and their landlords throughout Scotland, and allowed delegates to share their own experiences.

The informative and participative programme included:

  • A lively ‘Question Time’ session, with a panel made up of John Mills, head of housing, Fife Council; Niall Gordon, chief executive, Wishaw and District Housing Association; Elaine Byrne, director, Scotland’s Housing Network; and Gita Dhamecha Cunninghame scrutiny group member, Cunninghame Housing Association.
  • Update from Michael Boal, Scottish Government, Tenant Priorities Team on the current position of the Scottish Social Housing Charter Review.
  • Interactive workshops hosted by Perth and Kinross Council, Edinburgh Tenants Federation and Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association’s Scrutiny Focus Group.
  • Calendar of eventsDelegates received a free copy of the latest TIS publication, ‘Scrutiny Stories; The Key to Success’. The publication, which comprises real, inside information on the explosion of tenant scrutiny activity that has taken place in Scotland over the last few years, is available free to members of TIS.

    Members of TIS also have access to the presentations from the event which are in the members-only area of the TIS website. Did you know? TIS Membership is open to Scrutiny Groups and Panels for only £20 a year! Get in touch with Leanne Thomas on 0141 248 1242 or to find out more.


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