£27.4m housing regeneration ‘changes the life’ of GHA tenant
A GHA tenant who moved into a new community in the west of Glasgow says his new home has changed his life.
John Summers, 36, moved from Milton to his new home in Kingsway Gardens, Scotstoun, after the area received a £27.4 million regeneration boost from GHA.
The huge investment in the community has seen 116 new homes built, four blocks at Kingsway Court given an extensive upgrade and two others demolished.
The area around the multi-storeys has been improved with upgrades to paths, fences and walls while a new GHA office was created in the heart of the community with staff due to move in later this year.
Councillor George Redmond, executive member for jobs, business and infrastructure, joined GHA chair Gordon Sloan, local elected members, GHA tenants and staff as well as representatives from contractors McTaggart, Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government to meet some of the new tenants.
John Summers has two teenage children and two kids under five who stay every second weekend. John, who works part time at Anniesland College, said: “My new home really is life-changing.
“It’s the first time I’ve had a front and back garden, and it makes such a difference. The kids love it.
“Every time I open my blinds I get emotional. It’s amazing. I look out at the gardens and get overwhelmed.
“I wake up and I can hardly believe I’m living here. The kitchen and living room are a really good size, the neighbours are nice and friendly and it’s a good part of the city.”
The development, built by contractors McTaggart, is made up of 102 flats and 14 houses, with seven of the flats designed to wheelchair standard.
Councillor Redmond said: “It is no exaggeration to say that a new flat or house can change people’s lives.
“The new homes at Kingsway Court are a great example of the impact quality housing can make on individuals, families and the local community.
“I am delighted to launch these new homes, a fantastic addition to the many being built across Glasgow this year.”
GHA, which is part of Wheatley Group, has also recently invested £16m on a major upgrade of the four remaining blocks at 30, 40, 50 and 60 Kingsway Court, including installing overcladding and glass balconies.
The blocks also saw new kitchens, windows, doors, bathrooms and central heating installed, while foyers and landings were upgraded.
GHA’s local office will move from its current location at Anniesland Cross into the ground floor of 40 Kingsway Court later this year - bringing staff back into the heart of the community.
GHA chair Gordon Sloan said: “I’m glad John is so happy in his new home.
“GHA is transforming communities and improving people’s lives all over the city.
“The modern, spacious, energy-efficient homes also help tenants save on their fuel bills.”
McTaggart, as part of its contract with GHA, also provided training and employment opportunities for local people.
GHA is planning further environmental improvements on the site, including building a new perimeter wall and replacing fencing.