£3m community partnership funding awarded to East Lothian organisations
Almost £3 million of community partnership funding has been awarded to third sector and other community organisations in East Lothian for 2020/21.

Funding will support a variety of organisations to maintain partnership working with East Lothian Council, helping to build resilience and capacity while reducing inequalities across local communities.
This includes funding which goes directly to our 20 Community Councils and six Area Partnerships, which they allocate directly to meet local priorities.
Fifty four community organisations are being supported by the One Council Partnership Fund this year including:
- Heavy Sound C.I.C - £53, 315 to support young people who have experienced trauma
- East Lothian Foodbank - £15,000 to help alleviate short-term food poverty and improve access to and enjoyment of good quality food.
- Bridges Project - £95,000 to continue to provide one to one and group work support packages to young people in employability, transitions and skills of life.
- Roots and Fruits - £35,000 to support a local enterprise which delivers weekly fruit and veg boxes for vulnerable groups, cookery workshops and health promotion.
- Wee Red Upcycles - £15,705 to promote the teaching of skills in repair, re-design and upcycling of furniture to vulnerable adults and young people within our community.
Other organisations being supported include East Lothian Swim Team, Venturing Out CIC, First Step Community Project, Friday Friends, East Lothian Play Association, Dalkeith & Monktonhall Colliery Brass Band, DadsWork, Conservation Volunteers, Coastal Communities Museum Trust, Carefree Kids East Lothian, Access to Industry and Amisfield Preservation Trust. There is also support for a range of sports, arts and community groups.
Councillor Jim Goodfellow, cabinet spokesperson for Community Wellbeing, said: “The aim of One Council Partnership Funding is to support reducing inequalities across East Lothian’s communities and population. I am delighted to see the range of projects and organisations which will benefit from funding, many of which are locally based.
“The current COVID-19 crisis highlights now more than ever the necessity for a joined-up approach. The initiatives funded seek to tackle inequalities at all levels; prevention, early intervention and crisis, helping ensure that no individual is left behind in East Lothian.
“I look forward to supporting the organisations and their continued drive to ensure that East Lothian people and communities flourish.”
Lyn Hamilton, founder of Wee Red Upcycles, added: “Wee Red Upcycles CIC was at a crucial point of development and in need of funds to secure our work within the community, creating opportunities and teaching skills to those often overlooked through using Creativity.
“The One Council Partnership Funding will allow us to cover running costs for a while and allow us to develop further to grow and continue to run. It could not have come at a more critical time and it will allow us to breathe a bit and have security for a while whilst we respond to the needs of our community during these difficult times of Covid-19. We could not be more grateful for this funding especially during these times.”
Claire Mackenzie, business development director at Venturing Out, said: “Venturing Out CIC is delighted to be continuing the Additional Support Needs Adventurous Activities Provision through funding from the One Council Partnership Fund. This will enable us to continue to deliver outdoor activities for children, living in East Lothian, who have additional support needs that prevent access to mainstream activities. The programme is family-based, meaning that the whole family can experience the amazing physical and mental health benefits of outdoor activities.
“This year, the funding also supports the launch of a Parent/Carer Adventurous Activities Provision. This will offer parents, living in East Lothian, the opportunity to participate in group-based outdoor activities. This is open to parents who have children participating in our main programme and aims to help reduce social isolation, improve mental health & wellbeing and offer accreditation in various outdoor activities. Both programmes are delivered in partnership with East Lothian Council’s Outdoor Learning Service.
“Now, more than ever, these kinds of outdoor activities will be so vital for the confidence, self esteem and resilience of not only the young people with additional support needs, but also for their parents and siblings as we navigate our way out of lockdown and through the months ahead.”