£500,000 to improve life chances of young people in West Dunbartonshire
West Dunbartonshire Council is investing £500,000 to change the lives of young people across the area.

As a legacy of the Year of Young People, funding of £500,000 is available to support groups and activities and reflects the council’s aspiration to improve life chances for young people in West Dunbartonshire.
The Year of Young People Legacy Fund builds on the Scottish Government programme which celebrates achievements of our young people, values their contribution to communities and creates new opportunities and local activities.
The fund is available to any not-for-profit, established groups who provide activities or services to young people aged from birth to 26 years of age. Money can be used by groups to buy equipment, provide activities and to enhance or maintain services.
The council will hold two public information sessions after the summer holidays offering further information and a question and answer session for interested groups.
The sessions will be held on:
- Tuesday 27 August 7pm – 8pm at Clydebank Town Hall (Reception Hall)
- Wednesday 28 August, 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Dumbarton Library
Councillor Ian Dickson, convener of corporate services, said: “This money will help support the many local organisations that provide services and activities to support and nurture our young residents. Groups can apply for grants of up to £10,000 and this can be spent over a 4 year period. I would encourage anyone interested in applying to come along to one of the sessions where staff will happily provide information on the grant.”
Councillor Iain McLaren, vice convener of corporate services, said: “As a council we are committed to enhancing the lives of our young residents. I am pleased to see this investment which will be used by dedicated groups who are providing much appreciated activities and support to our young people.”
To apply residents need to complete an official Year of Young People Legacy Fund grant application form. All funded projects will require to adhere to funding guidelines and submit a post project evaluation form on completion.
Interested groups must apply by the deadline of September 30. The Funding Panel will review all applications in early October and further grant applications will be invited in December 2019 if funds are still available.
Further information and the application form can be found at: YOYP Legacy Fund.