‘A Voice in the Dark’ podcast to share stories of homelessness and recovery

Gary Malone (left) and Jacob Hodge (right) recording the podcast (c) Lian Highet
Social care provider, national charity and Registered Social Landlord Blue Triangle has kicked off its 50th anniversary by launching a podcast.
‘A Voice in the Dark’ shines a light on the people Blue Triangle supports and the staff making a difference on the front line. Founded in 1975, Blue Triangle currently runs 29 services across 10 local authorities. Originally incorporated through the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), Blue Triangle provided services through one property in Glasgow for young single women. In 1991, it became its own legal entity when it split from the YWCA. The organisation now supports people of all genders who are experiencing homelessness, as well as care-experienced young people and refugees.
The first podcast features supported person Gary Malone and support worker Jacob Hodge from Blue Triangle’s Chalmers Court supported accommodation in Ayr. They are joined by Frankie Ward, who has also experienced homelessness and addiction.

Gary speaks about his recovery journey (c) Lian Highet
Gary discusses the challenges he has faced with addiction, and how Blue Triangle has been instrumental to getting his life back on track. Gary now volunteers at Broken Chains and Harbour Ayr, using his life experience to help others who are struggling.
Gary Malone said: “It was a massive step forward for me coming to Blue Triangle. If I wasn’t in this environment, I would have used [drugs]. I’m not saying I’m not strong enough, but Blue Triangle has been a stronghold for me. I’m clean because of this place.”
Blue Triangle currently supports over 400 people every day through its services and outreach work. Between 2023-24:
43% supported people moved into their own tenancies
41% of those admitted to services were under 25 years old
35% of those entering the services experienced sleeping rough
30% of supported people faced eviction in their previous tenancies
15% of those admitted to services were fleeing violence

Chris (left) celebrates getting keys to his own tenancy with Chalmers Court staff and supported people
Gary Meek, CEO of Blue Triangle, said: “Blue Triangle has launched ‘A Voice in the Dark’ thanks to the hard work of our staff and supported people. We hope the podcast will provide comfort for those during difficult times, when it feels like there is no way out. The stories of success and recovery prove that with the right support, individuals are able to turn their lives around. Marking the milestone of our 50th anniversary, this podcast is a testament to the amazing work that our staff are delivering every day across Scotland.”
The highest level of admission to Blue Triangle services from 2023-24 was South Lanarkshire (35%), followed by Renfrewshire (24%) and Glasgow (12%). This year, the organisation will open the first Recovery Housing service in Kilmarnock, funded by CORRA Foundation, in partnership with East Ayrshire Drug & Alcohol Partnership.
‘A Voice in the Dark’ is available via Acast, Amazon Music, Apple Music and Spotify.