Argyll Community Housing Association reveals 2022/23 spending priorities

The board of Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has approved expenditure of nearly £32.5 million during the next financial year.
A total of £20m will be spent on improving and upgrading its existing stock, broken down into £12.1m on capital improvements, £7.5m on repairs and planned maintenance and £260,000 on aids and adaptations; broken down on a per unit basis this equates to £3,854 per unit. The Association also plans to invest £3.4m in a programme of around 100 new build homes.
In terms of investment in its existing stock, priority will go towards energy efficiency as part of works to 1,000 properties and the Association also plans to install 200 new heating systems and 120 new kitchen and bathroom packages.
In terms of external security, the Association plans to install 189 new door entry systems in tenements as well as 254 window replacements in existing stock. The Association also plans to invest a further £300,000 in its exemplar estates initiative focusing on environmental improvements. The total budget for expenditure, when staffing and other management costs are included, amounts to £32.5m.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, commented: “This expenditure profile will not only invest in making our homes and services better, it will continue to be a stimulus in the local economy at this difficult time. £32.5m will see investment resulting in new homes right through to ACHA purchasing timber and breeze blocks from local suppliers and a whole range of economic spin-offs in between.
“This is an investment for home improvement, service delivery and jobs.”