ACHA to ‘grow its own’ trainees with new initiative

ACHAArgyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) is to take forward an initiative which will involve the recruitment of four trainees to work in each of the Association’s operating departments.

The Growing Our Own scheme will see £100,000 per year invested over four years from April 2017 to March 2021.

The intention is that at the close of the four year training programme there will hopefully be opportunities for the trainees to progress in the organisation. It is planned that each of the trainees will get experience across a range of different activities in the Association, including housing management, development, finance & IT and personnel.

Commenting on the initiative, ACHA’s chief executive, Alastair MacGregor, said: “This initiative is an investment for the future. As an Association, we are keen to ensure that there is a starting place for a career in housing when young people leave school, college or university. We also believe that the experience gained through this initiative will allow housing related skills to be developed through a supportive and experienced environment.”

He added: “I believe this also fits comfortably with Argyll and Bute Council’s Strategy to encourage population growth and retention in Argyll and Bute, especially for young people.”

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