Advertorial: Compliance – Physical Risk Management

Compliance – Physical Risk Management
The effective management of Health & Safety, Welfare and Environmental issues, and the protection against liability in the event of risk management failures, is becoming an ever more onerous issue for corporate governance within the RSL sector.
Whilst most RSL’s now have in place robust Management Systems, policies and procedures, there remains a common challenge to manage the risks associated with the more technical issues, such as asbestos, legionella, fire, CDM, risk assessment and training.
For example, many organisations are not aware of how the real risks associated with asbestos differ from the perceived risks, which can have a profound effect on the way survey strategies are prepared and removal/remediation works are scoped and managed. The same applies to Legionella and Fire Safety, where Landlords are often unaware of how many assessments and what control procedures are required.
It is also important to understand that your own staff should be involved in developing their own risk assessments, although it is appreciated that competent support may be required as part of the risk assessment ‘team’.
ACS has some 20 years of experience of working alongside RSL’s across Scotland to provide competent risk management support. This typically includes professional, technical and training support in relation to:
Facilities Safety – e.g. UKAS accredited Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Remediation Project Management, Legionella and Fire Safety Management
Safety and Environmental Policy, Procedures and Management Systems
Risk Assessment – including general assessment, display screens, manual handling
Occupational Hygiene – e.g. monitoring of dusts, fumes, noise, etc.
CDM Support
Training – IOSH accredited and bespoke
Support ‘Packages’, providing on-call or programmed multi-disciplinary visits
For further information or to arrange a meeting please contact our Sandra Brennan (Head of SHE) or John Cadden.
ACS Physical Risk Control Ltd Glasgow T 0141 427 5171 email: