Advertorial: Governance of Scottish housing associations

Did you know you can work towards a customised award in Governance (GOSHA) accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)?
This customised award, developed by SHARE along with committee/board members and staff in 2008, is even more relevant now. It helps to show a strong commitment to continued learning, especially for those who have been on a committee/board for over nine years.
So what do committee/board members have to do to achieve this award?
- Attend an induction ½ day
- Work with their assessor to gather the evidence
- Be observed at two meetings
- Have discussions with assessor
- Meet all the criteria in the qualification
Olwyn Gaffney, SHARE’s learning & development manager, said: “Taking part in GOSHA might sound quite daunting, however over 100 committee/board members have successfully completed and have told us that they grew in confidence and developed a better understanding of their role as a result.
“If you are interested in taking part we can put you in touch with one of our many successful candidates to hear what they say about it.”
The qualification can be completed in 6-9 months and support is provided throughout the qualification and meetings are organised around the committee/board member’s availability.
SHARE recommends that only two members of one committee/board undertake the qualification at the same time and they should be in post for at least a year.
The next induction day for GOSHA will take place on September 5 and you can find out more about it and book your place HERE.
You can also contact Olwyn at 0141 378 0040 to discuss your requirements.