Advertorial: HUB secures multiple new clients

The third quarter of 2018 has seen four new clients sign up to HUB Manager to oversee their asset management and SHQS/EESSH compliance process which takes the total number of assets under management to 33,000 and means that over 10% of all Registered Social Landlords in Scotland are now using HUB.

“These recent wins are all very important to us and with more on the horizon, it demonstrates our growing presence in the market and that we are clearly providing something that is filling a gap and a need in the sector” said Graeme Reid, director.

HUB provides asset management and mobile data capture solutions in an intuitive, simple to use and easy to understand system. Graeme and his team have spent 25 years providing Surveying services to the social housing sector and have brought this wealth of experience and knowledge, coupled with the latest cloud-based and mobile technology to create a product that is fast becoming the preferred choice for Asset Managers.

Julie Smillie, director at Molendinar Park Housing Association, said: “HUB will revolutionise our Asset Management practices, and allow us to channel investment intelligently.”

Chris McHardy, senior asset officer at Shire Housing Association, added: “Shire Housing Association use the HUB Asset Management database because it is accurate, flexible & meets our current needs. The software is continually developing and cognisance is taken of the views of its users.

“The mobile condition survey module is particularly useful enabling us to update our records electronically allowing us to programme our future investment over the next five years and beyond.”

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