All In For Change team kick-starts ‘National Conversation’ on homelessness

A team with personal experience of the homelessness system are gathering information during April and May from every corner of Scotland to help understand what is needed to end homelessness.
All In For Change is a programme led by a ‘Change Team’ who each have personal experience of homelessness and together are committed to ending it. As part of a National Conversation starting today the Change Team are speaking to, and learning from, people who see first-hand how policy and operational decisions affect real lives. The responses received will inform future conversations, both internally and when speaking with decision makers.
Jade Wallace, who has been part of the AIFC programme since it started, said: “At times, change can seem slow, and I think it is important to reflect and remind ourselves that slowly but surely a difference is being made.
“For so long homelessness has been viewed as solely a housing issue and I think this is a great opportunity to engage with and inform as many people as possible, to hear different experiences, viewpoints and share what we know works.”
The Change Team was established in late 2019 and they have contributed directly to decision making with a permanent presence at Scotland’s Homelessness Prevention & Strategy Group (HPSG). There are four New Directions that guide the team’s work. These reflect Scotland’s high level Ending Homelessness Together Plan, and they are People First; No Wrong Door; At Home; Good Vibes.
Taking these four New Directions as a guide the team are asking the following questions.
- Has progress been made in achieving these?
- If so, where and how are they being achieved?
- If not, in what ways could they be achieved?
- What gets in the way of them being achieved?
Jade Wallace added: “The New Direction I like best is ‘At Home’. I truly believe that settled, secure, mainstream housing provided quickly is the best possible solution for people experiencing homelessness. I fully support the Housing First model, and I have seen first-hand the multiple benefits of ensuring people are provided with a secure home when they need it.”
The quickest way to get involved in the National Conversation is to complete the online survey, adding your experiences to the group’s growing knowledge base, or even sharing the link with someone else. Other ways to take part are by downloading the conversation starter and having a chat with someone you work with, or support, and by joining a workshop led by the Change Team and talking with others to help grow change.