Almond HA teams up with Inveralmond Community High for careers event

Pictured (l-r): Neil Webster, Business Development Manager at Everwarm; Stewart Fisher, Capital Projects Surveyor at AlmondHA; Martin Morrison, Director at Response; Barbara Boertien from AlmondHA; Housing Officer Amanda Gregory from AlmondHA; John McLeish, Operations Manager at Response; Sandy Higgins from Inveralmond CHS; and Tom Cavanagh, Business Development Manager, Sidey Solutions Ltd.
Almond Housing Association (AHA) worked in partnership with Inveralmond Community High School to build a careers event around the housing trade.
Housing officers and other staff from AHA, a registered charity and social landlord based in Livingston, were on hand to talk to young people about career options in the housing sector.
They also brought along contractors in building/construction who work with AHA, to highlight opportunities and pathways to roles within their companies.
These were Everwarm, providers of heating and insulation; Sidey Solutions Ltd, manufacturers, suppliers and installers of windows and doors; and Response Building Maintenance Services, who provide services including electricals, plumbing and joinery.
More than 150 students attended the event at Inveralmond CHS last Thursday from 11am until 1pm, with pupils aged 14 and over invited to pop along and talk to the many tradespeople.
AHA’s community engagement officer Barbara Boertien said: “The aim was to inform and inspire young people who might be considering their career options and how to progress their studies.
“We were able to advise on the different routes into the industry, for those who might be interested in the housing sector – and show them how to connect their studies and passions to a career pathway.”
Sandy Higgins, business education teacher and business links co-ordinator at Inveralmond, said: “My role is to build links with business to support young people in the transition from school into the world of work.
“I am grateful to Almond Housing Association for informing our pupils about the type of skills businesses are actively seeking.”