Almond invites community groups to pitch for funding at Community Soup event
Almond Housing Association is investing in fantastic community projects which will benefit local people.
Following the success of last year’s event, local groups are invited to apply for a spot at the Community Soup event at Almond HA on Thursday 27th February 2020.
The event involves local groups pitching their creative ideas that help or support the communities in which Almond HA has housing stock. After the pitches, there will be a discussion and review of each group’s idea over a bowl of soup.
Almond HA is looking to hear from groups who have innovative plans that will make a lasting difference in their community. This can involve using local resources or public spaces to address environmental issues, helping to develop confidence or skills or it could be creating a local enterprise.
The aim is to support everyone in the community to have the opportunity to access positive activities which promote health and wellbeing, bring the community together and reduce loneliness and isolation.
To apply, groups should complete an application form which is available online. Applications must be received by Friday 7th February and successful groups will be given two weeks to prepare for the pitch on Thursday 27th February.
Applications will be internally assessed to shortlist for the Community Soup presentations. Consideration will be given to how well the project aligns with Almond HA’s vision, whether the project is sustainable and how well it demonstrates social innovation. Applicants must be available on Thursday 27th February to pitch, should they be shortlisted.