Ancho tenants in overwhelming ‘yes’ vote for Cairn transfer

Ancho tenants in overwhelming 'yes' vote for Cairn transfer

In a significant development for social housing in North Ayrshire, Ancho tenants have voted to transfer to Cairn Housing Association, with 92% of those who took part voting in favour of the move. 

This follows a successful constitutional partnership between Ancho and Cairn, established in 2018. While the partnership achieved much, the time has come for both organisations to join forces, creating a stronger, more efficient housing association that will better serve tenants in the years to come.

The transfer to Cairn will deliver numerous benefits to Ancho tenants, including significant investment in homes, communities and local services. Proposals were shaped on the back of comprehensive tenant engagement to ensure Cairn are delivering what matters most.

Audrey Simpson, chief executive of Cairn, said: “We are delighted with the result of the tenant vote and look forward to welcoming Ancho tenants fully into the Cairn family. This transfer allows us to build on the strong foundations of our partnership and provide even better services, invest in homes, and ensure we continue to meet the needs of our tenants.”

Angus Lamont, chair of Cairn’s board, said: “This is an exciting new chapter for both organisations. The transfer means we can offer more efficient, streamlined services while maintaining the strong local focus that tenants in North Ayrshire value.”

Bill Findlay, chair of Ancho’s board, added: “Our tenants have voted for positive change. This transfer will deliver the benefits they need and deserve, while preserving the local services that are so important. We are excited to see the impact this will have over the coming years.”

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