Angus Council encouraged by housing satisfaction survey

More than eight out of ten tenants are satisfied with the housing service provided by Angus Council, a new survey has revealed.
The local authority commissioned the Knowledge Partnership to carry out an independent tenants’ satisfaction survey involving 1000 of its council tenants earlier this year in accordance with the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
It highlights that satisfaction in the service is improving, with 83 per cent of tenants being very or fairly satisfied, a 5 per cent improvement on 2015’s survey.
Angus Council’s communities committee heard the results of the face-to-face survey, the largest undertaken by the council and the first to be carried out by an outside agency.
Communities convener Donald Morrison said: “It is very encouraging to see the levels of customer satisfaction in our housing service which indicate that we are very much moving in the right direction.
“I am grateful to every tenant who took the opportunity to be involved in this survey and am also greatly appreciative of the excellent work undertaken by our housing team.
“But we are not complacent about the service we provide and a survey of this scale will help greatly to shape future priorities.
“Where issues have been identified, we have listened and will take action to continue the improvements in our service and raise levels of tenant satisfaction higher still.”
The survey also reported that:
Angus Council said it will be working closely with tenants to improve its performance in the year ahead and is already taking a number of actions.
These include, working with other departments to improve aids and adaptations for tenants and implementing recommendations by the council’s Scrutineers’ (tenant representatives) review of the repairs service.
The council is also providing opportunities for tenants to move to new build properties; upgrading existing properties through the bathroom replacement programme; improving condition of relets through the application of the relet standard; and improving value for money for rents and service charges.