Angus Council launches Place-Based Investment Fund Programme

Angus Council wants to hear from any community groups, companies or organisations that have a project that could transform their community if it had funding support.
With a total fund of £624,000 for capital projects or programmes based in Angus, the council is now welcoming expressions of interest for funding from its Place-Based Investment Fund Programme for transformational projects that can make a difference to local areas and be in step with local plans. Expressions of interest will only be accepted up to April 25.
To express an interest or find out further information go to the council’s Placed-Based Investment Programme Fund page.
The creation of a Place-Based Investment Programme (PBIP), with £275million of funding to support place-based working, was announced in the 2020-21 Scottish Government Programme for Government.
Its purpose is to make sure that all place-based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities. The programme aims to ensure that those investments accelerate ambitions for place-making, 20-minute neighbourhoods, town centre revitalisation, community-led regeneration, inclusive growth, local resilience, community wealth building, and work towards Net Zero targets.
So, what does Angus Council mean by Place or Place-Based? It’s where people, location and resources combine to create a common identity or purpose. It’s a focal point for addressing the needs of communities and realising their full potential. There’s more information available at Our Place – The Place Based Framework.
Prospective projects could have an aspirational focus on civic pride or public spaces that are free and open to everyone, or they could be transformational in relation to property purchase or redevelopment.
The council’s place-based investments will be aligned in Angus’ main towns to streamline delivery and increase impact and it is seeking transformational projects that are ready to be delivered for this year’s fund, with contracts in place or works started for March 2023.
However, all aspirations and ideas for community-led projects for this programme are welcome. The council’s Vibrant Communities Officers will be available to discuss potential project ideas for future years and can work with groups to progress future applications to delivery stage. Angus Council wants to hear all community aspirations for this fund as there are a further three years during which they can work with groups to develop projects.
By completing an expression of interest form, community groups and public sector organisations can begin informal discussions about their project and future aspirations.
The Place-Based Investment Fund is a four-year programme that creates a coherent approach to building resilient communities, addressing inequalities, and supporting an inclusive, well-being economy in local settings.
Projects that meet the criteria and can be delivered within the timescale of the fund will be invited to the application stage.