Annual Assurance Statements published by Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published the Annual Assurance Statements submitted by social landlords at the end of October.
The Regulator requires all social landlords to submit a Statement each year to confirm that they meet regulatory standards and requirements or to set out how they will address any areas of non-compliance.
Michael Cameron, chief executive at the Regulator, said: “Landlords are continuing to face significant uncertainty and challenges as a result of the cost of living crisis and the policy context, especially around the Scottish Government’s review of the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing and the emergency legislation on rent increases.
“We recognise the efforts landlords have made to prepare and submit their statements during this period of significant uncertainty.”
This year, the Regulator asked landlords to provide assurance in their Statements that they have, or are in the process of implementing, an effective approach to the collection of equalities information and are considering how they can adopt a human rights approach in their work. It also asked landlords to highlight outstanding Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR’s) in their Statements.
The Regulator will assess the Statements as part of its annual risk assessment taking account of the challenging context for landlords. It will publish the outcomes from the risk assessment in updated Engagement Plans for each landlord by March 2023. This will include any changes to the regulatory status for RSLs.