Application submitted for care home in Anniesland

Planning permission is being sought for a new care home with public open space in Anniesland.
Under new plans submitted by Holmes Miller, Morrison Community Care wants to build a 58-bed facility on disused land beside Yarrow Recreational Club on Anniesland Road.
A design statement submitted with the application argues: “The site would lend itself to a sensitively designed four-storey building, and this is given added importance with the significant amount of land given over to the public park.”
It added: “In accordance with current best practice Care Inspectorate guidance, the care home is divided into independent units, capable of being wholly independent from one another in the event of the need to isolate areas of the building for infection control.
“The ‘back of house’ accommodation is housed at the northeast corner of the building and has a separate goods lift connecting all floors, separating the ancillary functions from the resident’s accommodation.”