Applications open for CaCHE Knowledge Exchange Fund
The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is inviting applications to its Knowledge Exchange Fund.
Established to help develop a systematic evidence base that will address the UK’s housing problems, CaCHE is committed to building networks that will address housing challenges collaboratively.
Funding of between £5,000 and £8,000 is available to undertake short, knowledge exchange projects that will help address challenges facing the UK housing policy and practice communities.
Projects should not seek to undertake new primary data collection. Rather they should be designed to harness existing knowledge through evidence reviews, literature mapping exercises or analysis of secondary data; to develop lessons from international contexts; and/or develop mechanisms that assist non-academic project partners to draw on research in ways that will inform public debate, shape policy development and/or the implementation of changes to professional or business practices.
Applications for funding should set out:
Applications should be a maximum of four pages long.
The project proposals will be assessed by the CaCHE management team with input from non-academic partners and members of the CaCHE International Advisory Board. The assessors will prioritise projects that: address clear research user needs; offer clear and significant benefits to third, public and/or business sector partners; have been co-designed by researchers and research users and, where applicable, lead to outputs that are co-produced by the partners.
Applicants are encouraged to develop projects that use innovative methods for knowledge exchange and, given our desire to ensure value for money, are invited to supply details of any additional resources and support that will be provided by higher education institutions or non-academic partners. Ideally, successful projects should be ready to commence in January 2019.
For more information or to discuss this opportunity, contact Dr Gareth Young.
Email your application to Dr Gareth Young by Monday 3 December, 12 noon.