Architect John Gilbert authors book documenting history of Scottish tenements
Esteemed architect and Under One Roof co-founder John Gilbert launched his new book, ‘The Tenement Revealed: History, Design and Construction’, at a special event at Historic Environment Scotland’s Engine Shed in Stirling last week.
‘The Tenement Revealed’ is a beautifully illustrated guide to the construction of Scottish tenements from 1700-1915. It explores the evolution of Scotland’s iconic housing form, and the socio-economic changes which drove these innovations.
By delving into the past, Gilbert also encourages us to look to the future, and to the new social and environmental changes which are leading to change in the housing sector today. In particular, the book examines the topic of retrofit, and encourages tenement owners to preserve their buildings for a climate change-impacted future by investing in energy efficiency improvements.
IN the book, Gilbert makes clear understanding the history of tenements, and how and why they were built, is the key to maintaining and treasuring them for the future.
The launch event brought together housing professionals, tenement experts and architects to engage in discussions about the book’s key themes.
Mary Taylor, former chief executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, reflected on John’s journey from Belfast to Glasgow and the passion for tenement housing which he developed along the way. She then discussed the role of housing associations in maintaining Scotland’s unique tenement buildings and the communities which call them home.
Annie Flint, fellow co-founder of Under One Roof and co-author with John of ‘The Tenement Handbook’, reflected on the work they did together in creating the handbook, which ultimately led to the founding of Under One Roof, Scotland’s only charity dedicated to providing free and impartial information to tenement owners and housing professionals.
Matt Bridgestock, director of John Gilbert Architects, delivered a touching reflection on John Gilbert’s legacy, describing it as alive and well in the firm which bears his name. He described the firm’s approach as being inspired by John’s care, attention to detail and curiosity, which are also captured in the book.
Scott Abercrombie, associate director of John Gilbert Architects, provided the audience with an overview of the book. He gave a summary of Gilbert’s insights into historic sash and case windows, shop fronts and closes, and explained the importance of retrofitting tenements to improve their energy efficiency.
He said: “What we’ve seen is that Scotland’s tenements have a whole range of regional and generational variations which impact decision-making. That’s why I’m confident that this book will be as important and well-read as ‘The Tenement Handbook’, and as Under One Roof continues to be.
“An understanding of Scotland’s tenements can only truly be gained through a combination of experience, and a curious approach, both of which John has in spades, and I am extremely grateful that he has taken the time to write that all down for us, so that we might learn from him and continue to do our best to care for the tenements that he so loves.”
Mike Heffron, chief executive of Under One Roof, said: “Under One Roof is honoured to be carrying on John Gilbert’s legacy, using his in-depth knowledge to help tenement owners and housing professionals to understand and care for Scotland’s tenements.
“‘The Tenement Revealed’ is a fantastic combination of history book and design guide, and we look forward to using it to inform our work.”
‘The Tenement Revealed: History, Design and Construction’ is available to order from Whittles Publishing. Use the code UOR15 at checkout to receive 15% off your order. When you do, 10% of proceeds will be donated to the charity Under One Roof.