Ardenglen unveils new line up of repairs contractors

The new contractors with David Byfield (3rd right) and Peter Kelly (far left)
Ardenglen Housing Association has unveiled a host of new contractors in a revamped approach to who undertakes reactive repairs.
The Castlemilk association has chosen to use a mix of smaller contractors and one larger supplier to handle its day-to-day repairs.
Ardenglen said it anticipated the new appointments will deliver a renewed push for high levels of customer satisfaction on repairs.
It follows an increasing trend among Scottish housing providers to steer away from one or two large contractors solely handling repairs.
Announcing the new appointments, Peter Kelly, director of asset management at Ardenglen, said: “We procured our smaller contractors through a ‘Dynamic Purchasing System’ in collaboration with a number of housing associations and Procurement for Housing Scotland.
“As is to be expected, the procurement exercise was robust and transparent, and we are entirely satisfied with the results. All our contractors understand the need to achieve high levels of performance for our tenants and we look forward to their contribution in making this happen.”
The firms appointed by Ardenglen who are now in place are: Alwurk Electrical, Magnus Electrical, MJM Joinery, Hunter Management and Bell Group.
Chief executive David Byfield added: “Through our various consultation channels, we have listened closely to what matters most to our tenants and understandably our repairs service ranks highly.
“We are therefore pleased to establish new partnerships with a diverse range of contractors who will assist us by delivering an effective repairs service for our tenants.”