Ardrishaig residents celebrate 40th anniversary of sheltered housing complex

Argyll Community Housing Association’s sheltered housing complex at Caledonia Court in Ardrishaig has reached its 40th anniversary.
To help celebrate the occasion, a party was held with tenants, ACHA’s staff and invited guests.
Caledonia Court, comprising of 17 flats in Ardrishaig, officially opened its doors to tenants on 19 October 1982 and was the first sheltered housing complex in Argyll to include a lift.
The guest of honour at the event was Kenneth MacLeod, a founding director of MacLeod Construction Limited. It was MacLeod Construction Limited’s first big construction project in Ardrishaig and Mr MacLeod gave tenants and staff an interesting insight into the challenges of the construction of the complex 40 years ago before cutting the celebratory cake which was kindly donated by Lochgilphead’s Salty Dog Café.
Community support assistant, Dee Hatton, arranged for cakes and sandwiches from local Café 35 and delighted everyone with her famous home baking. Tenants thanked ACHA staff for arranging the event which they thoroughly enjoyed.