Argyll and Bute makes further commitment to tackle housing emergency

Councillors in Argyll and Bute have agreed to allocate further funding from the Strategic Housing Fund (SHF) to help address the area’s housing shortage.
During a meeting on February 28, councillors approved £60,000 from the SHF for delivery of the Housing Need and Demand Assessment – a statutory obligation of the local authority.
Another decision was made to delegate to the executive director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, in consultation with the policy lead for Housing, the power to approve discretionary feasibility funding up to a maximum of £10,000 per unit to enable Community Trusts to bring potential affordable housing developments to the delivery stage.
In addition, West Highland Housing Association was allocated SHF funding up to a maximum of £150,000 to carry out feasibility and design work for footpath improvements between Oban and Ganavan for potential future housing development at the Old Hospital Site at Ganavan. This site was previously allocated for housing in the Local Development Plan.
Councillor Jim Lynch, the council’s Policy Lead for Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing, said: “We have been working tirelessly with our partners and stakeholders to address the housing emergency in Argyll and Bute and to identify ways to address the housing shortage. Everyone deserves the opportunity to live in an affordable home and we are committed to making that happen.”