Argyll Community Housing Association opens new homes in Helensborough
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has opened 32 new homes for rent in Helensburgh.
Jim Milne, ACHA's chairman, and Jackie Baillie MSP at Castle Wood Court
The new site in the centre of Helensburgh, Castle Wood Court, has a total value of just under £5 million. The Scottish Government, ACHA and Argyll and Bute Council all financially contributed to the build, which was carried out by local firm Callum Williamson Builders.
The new properties are a mixture of terraced houses and flats from 1 bedroom to 4 bedrooms in size.
Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, officially opened Castle Wood Court.
Ms Baillie said: “I am delighted to see 32 new homes built in Helensburgh. There is a clear need for more housing in the area and the bonus is that these homes are suitable for individuals and families. I want to congratulate Argyll Community Housing Association for all their hard work in providing new homes for our local community.”
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, said: “This is a proud day for the Association turning what was a derelict site in the centre of Helensburgh into 32 much-needed homes.”
A commemorative bench was also unveiled during the official opening of the development, in tribute to the late Danny Kelly. Danny, a former Argyll and Bute councillor, served for several years on ACHA’s board and local Helensburgh and Lomond area committee. He was a passionate advocate for affordable housing and visited the development to view progress before his passing in June of this year.