Argyll Community Housing Association apprentices head outdoors for team building
Six apprentices from Argyll Community Housing Association worked in partnership with three apprentices from West Highland Housing Association to take part in a five-day course with the Outward Bound Trust at Loch Eil, Fort William.
The apprentice-specific course was designed to help them build their team working, leadership and communication skills, which would be transferable to the work place and in everyday life.

The apprentices before heading out on a team walk and canoe trip at Bunarkaig
They learned how to embrace change by swapping their usual place of work for the outdoors and building their confidence in taking on different projects as a team.
Evaluations from the apprentices included “Learning to work better in a team and contribute more” and “Meeting new people and completing challenges I never thought I would do”.
The majority felt they had gained skills that will make a positive difference to their performance at work.