Argyll Community Housing Association holds sustainability-themed AGM

Roddy McCuish, chair of ACHA Board and Jim Milne, vice chair
Argyll Community Housing Association welcomed members and guests to its sustainability-themed Annual General Meeting held in the Inverary Inn on 21st September 2022.
The day was supported by Age Concern, Ali Energy and OVO Energy who provided information to attendees on energy-saving measures.
Tony Butler from OVO Energy gave an excellent presentation on “how to save energy” to help reduce tenants’ fuel bills and brought an electric car and an air source heat pump for members to view.
Roddy McCuish, chair of the ACHA board, reported that he “was extremely proud of ACHA’s achievements over the past year which have included the completion of the first Passivhaus development in Garelochhead, the establishment of a Tenant Hardship Fund to help the most vulnerable tenants and a Community Action Fund to assist local organisations”.
He also informed the meeting that he was resigning as chair of Argyll Community Housing Association and thanked the group staff, the board of management and all of ACHA’s tenants for their support and commitment during his time as chair.
The board of management thanked Roddy for all that he had done for ACHA and presented him with small gift of thanks. Roddy will be replaced as chair by Cathy Grant, a tenant member from Glendaruel in the Cowal peninsula.
The business concluded with the chair congratulating the winners of this year’s raffle draw which was sponsored by MacLeod Construction Limited. The prize of an energy efficient air fryer was award to tenant member Dan Hughes.