Argyll Community Housing Association publishes 2018/19 landlord report
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has just published its 2018/19 Landlord Report which provides an update to tenants, stakeholders and partners on its activities, achievements and delivery against targets set.

Alastair MacGregor, ACHA chief executive
The Landlord Report indicates an increase in tenant satisfaction with the overall service provided by ACHA. Since the previous year, there are also year on year improvements in tenant satisfaction with repairs and maintenance, standards of home when moving in, information exchange, quality of homes and factoring.
Satisfaction dropped slightly in relation to participation, neighbourhood management and value for money.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, said: “I am pleased that we are increasing tenant satisfaction in core areas important to tenants and we are delivering more in terms of repairs satisfaction and overall service.
“In the areas we need to improve on like neighbourhood management we are investing an additional £1.5 million into properties identified by tenants in terms of their priorities. ACHA has a range of opportunities to now participate from the board to our Your Voice Group and a plethora of opportunities in between for any tenant that wishes to take up a participation opportunity.”