Argyll Community Housing Association tenants delighted with new Tarbert homes

Argyll Community Housing Association has completed four new family homes in Oakhill, Tarbert, Loch Fyne, helping to increase the supply of affordable housing in rural Argyll.
New Tenants and invited guests celebrated the opening with the unveiling of a plaque by Councillor Alastair Redman, Councillor for Kintyre and the Islands.
The new tenants were delighted as they got to view their new homes for the first time commenting how “warm and spacious” it felt.
The £900k development was supported by ACHA, Argyll & Bute Council’s Strategic Housing Fund (SHF) and the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme Grant (AHSP) and was built by local construction firm Macleod Construction Limited.
The properties, which have been built to Scottish Government’s ‘Greener Standard’, are well insulated and all have air source heat pumps which will see reduced running costs for the tenants.
Cathy Grant, chair of ACHA’s board of management, said: “This is a small development but it is very significant to the Tarbert Community as it provides four new much needed social rented family houses in the area and it is part of an ongoing programme of new build housing being carried out by the Association in small communities across rural Argyll.
“Developments like this would not get built without the support of our partners and I would like to thank Argyll and Bute Council and the Scottish Government for providing funding and support to make this happen.”