Argyll Community Housing Association to reopen offices to the public

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) will reopen its entire office network to tenants, other customers and its stakeholder partners from today for the first time in two years.
ACHA has offices in Oban, Helensburgh, Dunoon, Lochgilphead, Campbeltown, Rothesay and Bowmore where services are coordinated for tenants and staff operate. During the past two years of Covid-19, these office networks have operated within a framework of restrictions that only allowed public visits by appointment.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, said: “As an Association we are delighted to be able to get our office network opened to the public again. During the past two years our office network has been a vital coordinating hub with a staff presence in a hybrid way to deliver services.
“We also recognise that while many tenants are comfortable with remote contact, for many the personal touch and to be able to engage with ACHA frontline staff face to face is very important and we respect and welcome that. I would like to thank all our tenants for their patience and understanding in these challenging times and hope this decision gets us back to the new normal.”
He added: “This decision has been taken with a full risk assessment and we will continue to provide appropriate advice around mask wearing until guidance changes.”