Argyll Community Housing publishes annual landlord report

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has published its 2021/2022 landlord report, providing information about the association’s activities over the past year.
The document reports on its service delivery, comparing performance with targets agreed with the Scottish Housing Regulator and also compares its performance with previous years.
It details the wide range of services delivered by both Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) and its subsidiary, Argyll Homes for All (AHFA). This includes repairs and maintenance, new build properties, energy efficiency work, access to housing performance figures, how tenants’ money is used and the factoring service provided to private owners.
ACHA’s new tenant chair of its board of management, Catherine Grant, commented: “As a not-for-profit organisation, openness and accountability are really important to us.
“As we continue to emerge from the uncertainty of the pandemic and we prepare to face new challenges, we want our customers and stakeholders to be fully informed about our performance and priorities.
“The landlord report shows where we are performing well and where we need to focus our efforts over the next year in an effort to provide the best service we can to our tenants.”