Advertorial: Assuring you’ve got it right
More is being asked of housing associations, co-operatives and local authorities when it comes to complying with the Scottish Housing Regulator’s (SHR) regulatory requirements. The latest is self-assurance – organisations assuring the SHR they comply with those requirements.

Complying with the Regulatory Standards isn’t new, after all they’ve been in place since 2012 and there has been a requirement for organisations to self-assess their compliance.
What is different with the new Regulatory Framework, which went live from 1 April this year, is the requirement that organisations produce an annual Assurance Statement for the SHR – assuring them, their tenants, factored owners and partners that they do comply with the Regulatory Standards.
So what does this mean? Well, it means each organisation examining how, and if, they are delivering the Regulatory Standards; it means looking at what up to date information – what evidence they have – that they are complying, and where appropriate identifying the action/s required to make them comply. The completed Assurance Statement should be submitted to the SHR no later than 31 October this year. The statement needs to be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee/Board.
There is no template for the Assurance Statement so each organisation needs to decide what that will look like for them.
It’s a new way of working but you’re not on your own.
SHARE is running two new courses in July on Assurance, one aimed at Committee/Board members and the other aimed at staff involved in the process of gathering the evidence.
The Assurance Statement for Staff – 25 July – 9.30am – 12.30pm
The Assurance Statement for Committee/Board – 30 July 5.30pm – 7.30pm