Aurora Planning wins RTPI award
Aurora Planning Ltd has been recognised in the prestigious Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Awards for Planning Excellence 2021.

Pippa Robertson and Maggie Bochel from Aurora Planning
Company founders Maggie Bochel and Pippa Robertson said that they are delighted at winning the Small Planning Consultancy of the Year category.
Maggie and Pippa said: “We are absolutely over the moon to be recognised by our peers at a UK level. It’s a huge honour to receive this recognition, in particular for the work we do in supporting local charities, and we hope to continue to build on this success in the future.”
Aurora Planning was established just three years ago and supports clients to successfully navigate the often complex and controversial planning process, with a commitment to enabling everybody involved to engage effectively.
When announcing the winners, judges said: “Aurora Planning stood out to the judges due to their impressive and inspiring scope of work completed by a team of two within only three years of business.
“They have provided innovative solutions to unique projects, which has resulted in fantastic client feedback, and the judges liked their multi-disciplinary approach. The judges felt the team brought something different to the table and were blown away by their pro bono work in order to support local groups and the community.
“Aurora Planning epitomise what a small planning consultancy should be, balancing commercial success with social responsibility.”
Aurora was chosen from a total of nine shortlisted finalists representing the cream of small planning consultants across the United Kingdom.
Wei Yang, FRTP President, added: “I would like to congratulate all of the winners at this year’s RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence who have demonstrated how planning is an essential public service for our community. The winners have acted beyond boundaries to make positive and impactful changes - a perfect way of showing the world the positive role planners play in our society.
“The fact the even during the pandemic we received so many entries is a testament to how the planning profession across the UK and around the world has stepped up to deliver innovative, place-based solutions to the challenges of health and wellbeing, climate change and the biodiversity decline, as well as housing and economic growth.”