Ayrshire Housing sends out Christmas cards with help of Dundonald school
Ayrshire Housing’s elves have been busy posting Christmas cards to all its 1,600 tenants.

Lochie and Harry B with their winning designs alongside the runners-up
This year, the Association worked with pupils at Dundonald Primary School in a photography project. Images by Lochie in Primary 3 and Harry B in Primary 6/7 were selected for the two versions of the card.
Ayrshire Housing made a donation towards a special online pantomime for the school.
Fiona Paterson, head teacher, said: “Our sincere thanks for the very kind donation to our school fund. It helped enormously and contributed significantly to the cost of a pantomime for all of our classes – the panto is personalised to each class and all of the children’s names are mentioned – it is quite magical.”
Alongside the donation to the school, Ayrshire Housing has also made seasonal donations totalling £3,000 to Ayrshire Cancer Support, Café Hope, Care and Share, Dundonald Christmas Lights, River Garden Auchincruive, South Ayrshire Foodbank and Unity Grill.