Barrhead Housing Association commits to domestic abuse campaign
Barrhead Housing Association has joined housing providers across the UK in signing up to a pledge to tackle domestic abuse.
The governing Board committed to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s ‘Make a Stand’ campaign during its meeting last month.

Against a background of millions of people experiencing domestic abuse every year, Make a Stand was launched in June 2018 as part of CIH’s presidential appeal. Make a Stand centres around a pledge developed in partnership with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) and Women’s Aid.
The pledge gives housing organisations the opportunity to sign up to make four commitments to provide support for people experiencing domestic abuse.
Following its recent governing Board decision, Barrhead Housing Association has committed to:
- Putting in place and embed a policy to support residents who are affected by domestic abuse;
- Making information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on our website and in other appropriate places so that they are easily accessible for residents and staff;
- Putting in place an HR policy to support members of staff who may be experiencing domestic abuse; and
- Appointing a Senior Officer as our champion – who will own the activity we are doing to support people experiencing domestic abuse.
More than 250 housing organisations across the UK have already signed up to the campaign since it was launched.
David McCready, chair of Barrhead Housing Association, said: “Barrhead Housing Association has a strong and established track record of wider community action, including supporting Women’s Aid to tackle domestic abuse. By committing to Make a Stand, Barrhead Housing Association is taking further steps to ensure that our customers and staff are able to feel safe and secure in their homes, and to be able to access the appropriate advice and support services should the need ever arise.”