Bellsmyre Housing Association tenants feel building new homes is a high priority
A recent tenant survey carried out by Bellsmyre Housing Association revealed that more than 85% of respondents rate the building of new homes as a high priority.
Proposed Bellsmyre plans
The survey was run in association with Bellsmyre’s parent organisation, Caledonia Housing Association.
The survey sought tenants’ views on the proposed £30 million regeneration of the Bellsmyre area and asked about priorities in terms of future rent, services and investment in the area.
The findings confirmed widespread support for the proposed plans to build new modern two-storey homes with ground floor access and gardens.
It also indicated that the main priorities for tenants were affordable rents, a high-quality repairs service and good standards of estate management.
A new residents’ forum has also been established and held its first meeting on 3rd September. This group will have an important role in sharing views and suggestions from tenants on the regeneration plans.
The second phase of the public consultation with the Bellsmyre community also included two open days, which gave some 60 tenants the opportunity to view the latest house locations and internal layouts.
Julie Cosgrove, chief executive, Caledonia Housing Association, said: “We are delighted that residents have reconfirmed their commitment to supporting the regeneration plans. Their passion and interest in the planned improvements have been evident throughout and we look forward to working with them as our plans progress. The survey findings are very helpful for us and will be considered alongside other feedback received from residents when we develop the business case for the proposed transfer from Bellsmyre Housing Association to Caledonia.”