Bield’s equality network volunteers to help shape housing service of the future
A group of volunteers from Bield Housing are being assembled to shape the housing provider’s future equality framework and policy.
Bield has committed to putting its tenants and community members at the forefront of decisions on equality, launching its bespoke ‘Equality Network’ group.
The network will be made up of tenants and Bield officers who will work together with the aim of increasing awareness and understanding of the needs of people with protected characteristics and while working to ensure the necessary services are provided to them.
This is one of many tenant-led initiatives at Bield as it focuses on achieving more participation and engagement amongst service users.
Zhan McIntyre, head of policy at Bield, who has been overseeing the launch, said: “The need for an equality group was identified as part of the last tenant engagement strategy. We’ve since placed a greater focus on people with protected characteristics to ensure there is a safe space to voice needs and opinions.
“The network hopes to engage people to both discuss their needs and also identify what we could do differently to further develop the inclusive features that already exist.
“The volunteers who take part are absolutely essential as they will shape how our equality framework will look and work here out, so we’d love to hear from anyone interested in joining.”
Anyone who is currently a customer of Bield and is passionate about improving the services is welcome to join. Members are required to attend quarterly meetings but do not need any particular skill sets or knowledge.
The principal idea behind the network is to diversify the body of people at Bield who are in charge of influencing and implementing policy with a hope that a variety of cultures, backgrounds and experiences will lend itself to a more holistic and representative committee.