Bield Improvement Group named Scotland’s most inspiring tenant group
The Bield Improvement Group (BIG) has been recognised as Scotland’s most inspiring tenant group at a recent awards ceremony.
BIG was awarded Most Inspiring Scrutiny Group following their outstanding performance as a reliable tenant body at the Tenants Information Services Annual Awards at the Westerwood Hotel in Cumbernauld.
The group, which was first established by Bield Housing and Care in 2016, was primarily commended for its implementation of a six-month project that focussed on Bield’s ending a tenancy policy.
Detailed research and survey exercises made up a large chunk of development plans, followed by six recommendations put forward to the Board of Management on ways in which the policy could be improved moving forward – five of which were approved.
Members John Thompson and Bill Hunt, from developments in Livingston and Kirkintilloch, attended the night on behalf of their dedicated team and were thrilled with the group’s success.
Bill said: “It was a great feeling and I was very surprised at winning.”
John added: “We were very humbled by this award as it was a complete surprise being our first year and our first challenge for the BIG.
“You learn about Bield policies and procedures and it was great to go and get the information that was required by shopping around to complete the task. Being a member of BIG is very helpful in making contacts.
“The first year we managed to get six recommendations put through and five of these were passed with the one other to be reviewed again in the near future.
“This is great news for the tenants and Bield. Anything that the BIG puts forward is all with tenants and Bield in mind.”
Bield, a registered charity that serves 23 local authority areas around Scotland, aims to empower tenants by asking them to voice their thoughts and recommendations regarding both their development and, through the likes of BIG, the company on a wider scale.
The Bield Improvement Group is always looking for tenants to help shape the charity’s future, allowing Bield to continue to put tenants at the heart of the organisation.
Chris McShane, tenant engagement officer at Bield, said: “I am very proud of the Bield Improvement Group and all they have accomplished in such a short space of time. It is achievements such as this that show change is always possible and that the tenant’s voice is being heard within the organisation.
“It has been fantastic to get this scrutiny group set up and to see its tenant members flourishing so well in their roles. I am very eager to see what the future holds for BIG.”