Bield residents walk all the way to fundraising success

Brae Court fundraiserResidents and staff at a Very Sheltered Housing development for older people have gone above and beyond for charities close to their heart by taking part in a charity walk.

The 30 strong group, which also included friends and family of Bield’s Brae Court development in Linlithgow, represented a huge spectre of ages from two to 67 years old, all doing their bit for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland and Rachel House Hospice.

The generous team, some of whom donned impressive fancy dress outfits for the event, walked 2.3 miles around Linlithgow Loch raising £1510 in the process.

Rena Kirton-Vaughan, development manager and organiser of the event, said: “I have organised many sponsored walks before, however this is the first for Brae Court and it’s amazing to see we raised almost double our target thanks to staff, family and friends.

“We are always looking for ways to raise funds for other deserving causes, which is why we came up with this idea. And getting involved in events like these really help enhance and enrich the lives of the tenants by having more social interaction and, of course, exercise.”

The sponsored walk was organised as a part of a wider effort by staff and tenants at Brae Court to raise money for worthy charities.

Other events which will be taking place at Brae Court include a Christmas afternoon tea, a Christmas bauble swap – where people attend the event bringing a bauble for the tree, and swap with each other; a quiz night in early February and an Easter egg hunt at the end of March. Four staff members are also set to participate in a fundraising abseil on June 2016 organised by Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.

For more information on any of these events, contact Rena on or call 01506 845800.


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