Blackwood pushes for recognition for Scotland’s social care workers
Scots are being urged to show their appreciation for the work of Scotland’s vast army of social care workers who are continuing to provide vital services to older and vulnerable people during the coronavirus crisis.

Fanchea Kelly, Blackwood chief executive
Housing and care provider Blackwood is promoting a campaign to shine a light on the important front-line role care employees are playing – and to encourage businesses and individuals to look at ways they can show their gratitude.
Across Scotland, it is estimated that up to 150,000 staff work in the social care sector, providing care to people in care homes and retirement developments as well as care-at-home services.
Fanchea Kelly, Blackwood chief executive, said: “Many older and vulnerable people could require hospital care without the help of our wonderful care staff. This vital support is happening in our communities in an almost invisible way during the COVID-19 crisis.
“In Blackwood we believe it is essential to recognise this important work publicly. We’d like to let care staff know that they are appreciated, keeping morale high at a time where many people are going way beyond their normal duties. If you can do anything to show your support, we’d love to hear from you.
“The first thing you can do is to join our campaign #ImInAwe so please tweet, retweet and share far and wide to get behind our carers and show how much they are valued.
“And I want to say thanks to members of Edinburgh Sports Club for volunteering to help drive our carers to their shifts as public transport services decrease.
“If you or your business can help in your own way, get in touch, we would love to hear from you to put a collective show of support across Scotland. But most importantly use ‘#ImInAwe‘ to show you care.”
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.