Borders public invited to play their part in development of key planning document

Where new homes and businesses can be built and how further town centre regeneration can take place are just two of the questions the Borders public are being asked as part of an upcoming Scottish Borders Council (SBC) consultation.
As part of the development of a new Local Development Plan in 2021, a ‘Main Issues Report’ has been produced and approved by the Council, and will shortly be subject to a 12-week consultation period.
The Main Issues Report identifies key development and land use issues which the next Local Development Plan must address, setting out what are considered to be the Council’s preferred options, including the identification of new sites for future development and suggesting reasonable alternatives.
Councillor Tom Miers, SBC’s executive member for planning and environment, said: “The Main Issues Report seeks to identify the big questions that we need to address. These include where to site new homes and businesses, how to breathe new life into our town centres and where to redevelop old sites for new purposes.
“This report is not a statement of policy but instead is an invitation for ideas and comment from everyone who has an interest in how this wonderful region of ours develops, including housing, industry, transport and public services.
“Our overarching purpose is to encourage new growth and investment while preserving and enhancing the unique landscape and built heritage that characterises the Scottish Borders. In fact the two go hand in hand: increasingly, investment and jobs come to areas that are great places to live and work. So good building design and sensitive development improves our economic prospects as well as enriching our quality of life.”
As part of the consultation a series of drop in and workshop events have been arranged, running from 13 November to 13 December. The responses received will all be considered as part of the new Local Development Plan. A consultation will also be available online shortly.