Bryony Willett: Home in Scotland outlines asks of government to deliver affordable homes

Bryony Willett
We must remind the Scottish Government that to deliver their targets for affordable homes we need one vitally important commitment, writes Bryony Willett.
This week’s Programme for Government comes amidst challenging economic circumstances. I appreciate the difficult decisions the government has had to make recently. Committing to an increase in public sector pay, for example, is not cheap by any means.
But I would like to put on the table a reminder of the importance of other areas, particularly housing. We saw last year the hugely positive impact that investing in housing has had.
However, there are concerns in the sector that when the government unveils its strategic priorities and legislative programme for the next 12 months, it could lead to further cuts to the budget for developing new affordable homes.
We saw a 22% budget cut in real terms from the affordable housing supply programme in 2023/24.
It is this funding which allowed us at Home in Scotland to deliver some 467 new homes last year, the largest number of any social landlord.
Scotland is in the midst of a housing crisis, with thousands of people stuck on waiting lists, in overcrowded homes, or in temporary accommodation.
Despite not planning to match last year’s volume of new development, we are developing less than we would like due to a shortage of Government funding. We have also agreed to front-fund some of our development this year to allow work to begin on much needed homes.
We know that having a safe and stable home is a major determining factor in a range of positive life outcomes including health, education, employment, and overall wellbeing. That’s why we welcome the government’s commitment to deliver 110,000 additional affordable homes by 2032.
But at present, we are quite some way off from meeting this target. Further cuts will mean we fall further back from this already challenging target.
Tackling Scotland’s housing crisis requires bold action and long-term commitment to support the long-term ambition.
In this period where difficult policy and spending decisions are being made, I’d like to remind the government that the sector can deliver, and it wants to work collaboratively to resolve the housing emergency. As well as the will, drive and determination, investment from the government is absolutely crucial.
- Bryony Willett is director of Home in Scotland