Building successful partnerships
Housing teams often have to build and maintain partnerships with a variety of people and organisations such as social work; homeless casework teams; local authority environmental teams and community policing teams.

New initiatives are developing all the time and building successful partnerships is key to their success. However, this isn’t always as easy as it sounds and can prove to be difficult as partners often have different objectives.
SHARE’s course, Joining the dots – working in effective partnership, will look at how you/your team approaches partnership working; at what you want to achieve from working with others and how best to go about this.
This course will help delegates consider the need for partnership working, the form that these partnerships should take – formal or informal, how to negotiate and influence decision making; assessing risks in a partnerships; achieving goals and ultimately ending partnerships.
If you have been tasked with joining a partnership or to set one up then this course will help you consider all of the key elements in effective partnership working.
Joining the dots – working in effective partnership is taking place on 3rd June, 9.30am – 4.30pm, at the Bob Allan Conference Centre, 139 Saracen Street. You can find out more about the course and book your place HERE.