Bursary scheme offers more than £50,000 to community groups across Scotland

Property manager Stuart Clements with Robert Nicol of the Govan Growers Community Gardening Group
Property manager Stuart Clements with Robert Nicol of the Govan Growers Community Gardening Group

Property management firm Ross and Liddell has delivered more than £50,000 to groups and good causes as part of its Community Bursary Scheme.

The company has just completed its fifth and largest ever round of the funding programme, which provides support to organisations all over Scotland.

The scheme was launched in 2011 to provide support to organisations that make a vital difference in their community – and since then Ross and Liddell has awarded £50,000 to more than 100 applicants.

Irene Devenny, managing director of Ross and Liddell, said: “We have supported more than 100 groups across Scotland with a much needed cash boost and this has helped bring some fantastic projects to fruition.

“From building playparks in Craignish in Argyll and buying basketball uniforms in Aberdeen, to revamping allotments in Govan, the variety of applicants has been wonderful, and we are incredibly proud of the scheme’s achievements.”

Property manager Gavin Baird with Zane Bricite coach and founder of the Granite City Flames Basketball club and club members
Property manager Gavin Baird with Zane Bricite coach and founder of the Granite City Flames Basketball club and club members

Every year Ross and Liddell invites applications from groups all over Scotland. This year money was awarded to a large variety of groups from children’s sports clubs and community gardening groups to armed forces veterans groups and cancer care charities.

Mrs Devenny added: “Last year we launched our fifth Community Bursary Scheme, and it might have been easy to rest on our laurels after reaching such a milestone.

“But the funding programme hasn’t slowed one bit – and the 2015/16 scheme year has been our best yet.

“It really has been fantastic to see the positive impact the funding can have on local groups and we are incredibly proud of the impact the scheme has had.”

Gillian Connal, president of the Strathclyde Park Rowing Club, who received a boost this year, said: “Strathclyde Park Rowing Club offers everyone a chance to try rowing. All ages and abilities are welcome – from complete beginners to aspiring rowers.

“We are lucky to be able to use the Scottish Rowing Centre as it has the only indoor rowing tank in Scotland, and can be used for training in winter days when it is too dangerous to go out on the loch.

“This funding will help us to develop the club and enable more members to join as it is a very expensive sport so it is difficult for participants to buy their own equipment.”

Property manager Robert Armstrong with Gillian Connal, president of the Strathclyde Park Rowing Club
Property manager Robert Armstrong with Gillian Connal, president of the Strathclyde Park Rowing Club

Robert Nicol of the Govan Growers Community Gardening Group added: “The site is a great help for local community groups so really is a wonderful resource.”

Zane Bricite of the Granite City Flames Basketball club in Aberdeen said: “I founded the club to create more opportunities for children in the sport. We all want to see more active healthier, happier children participating in exercise.

“This funding will help us develop the club and get more age groups involved.”

The 2016/2017 scheme is now open. Please visit ross-liddell.com/community-bursary for more details.

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