Business as usual for housing customers at Bridgegate

North Ayrshire Council’s Housing team are reminding Irvine tenants that any in-person inquiries should be made at Bridgegate House.
Recent months have seen Council staff move from a variety of properties - Quarry Road and Trinity Church for example – as part of plans to make best use of Council buildings to save money and reduce carbon emissions.
While many staff have moved from Bridgegate House to work from Cunninghame House, the town centre building still operates a Customer Service Centre (CSC) for Irvine housing tenants on the ground floor of the building. The continued operation of the CSC and retail units on the ground floor of Bridgegate House will ensure the continuation of an active office and retail frontage in the town centre.
If Irvine tenants need to hand in correspondence or speak to a member of staff they are encouraged to attend the Customer Service Centre at Bridgegate.
North Ayrshire Council spokesperson, said: “We were keen to keep a presence at Bridgegate House and while many staff have relocated we are still operating our Customer Service Centre and would urge Irvine tenants to go there if you have an appointment or need to speak to someone face to face. We are still working on our longer-term plans for Bridgegate but we will keep all our customers updated as we move forward.”