Businesses invited to find out how to bid for £200m in Renfrewshire Council contracts

The council is hosting the event on Tuesday 29 November
Local businesses are being urged to sign-up for an event at 9am in Johnstone Town Hall on Tuesday 29 November, designed to help them bid for Renfrewshire Council contracts.
The council is hosting the event to make sure as much as possible of the £200m it spends on external contracts each year benefits local businesses and communities.
Interest in the event has already been high and there are only a few places still available. Businesses can secure a spot by going to the Eventbrite website.
Councillor John Shaw, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Finance, Resources & Customer Services Policy Board, said, “This event is about providing practical help for local businesses about how to apply for council contracts. The council is Renfrewshire’s economic engine, spending hundreds of millions of pounds every year.
“Our goal is to use that spending power for community wealth building. We want to support the local economy and create jobs.
“Many council contracts involve submitting tenders for multi-million-pound projects. But there are just as many contracts for small items, contracts worth £10,000 or £20,000 which can go through the Quick Quotes process.
“The event is all about removing any barriers that may be stopping local businesses bidding for council contracts, like making sure firms know that they need to be registered on Public Contracts Scotland Programme (PCS).
The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) will give an overview of how businesses can register their profile on PCS, as well as providing information about the range of support they provide in all aspects tendering for public sector contracts.
“There will also be an overview of the business support available from Renfrewshire Council including the progress we are making towards our Net Zero ambitions to tackle climate change. Buying locally cuts down on delivery distances and shortens supply chains. We’ll also be telling local firms about our Net Zero business grant of up to £10,000 which can help cut their emissions and reduce their energy bills.”
The match funding is open to small and medium-sized businesses in Renfrewshire to help them make changes to their business premises and/or operations which will reduce their carbon emissions.