CaCHE becomes new secretariat of Cross Party Group on Housing
The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) has taken over the role of secretariat for the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Housing.

Cross-Party Groups (CPGs) are open to all and provide an opportunity for members of all parties, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest in a particular cause or subject.
The purpose of the group is to allow housing organisations and MSPs to share information and gather knowledge on all matters relating to housing.
Graham Simpson MSP is the convenor and Elena Whitham MSP and Ariane Burgess MSP are deputy convenors.
Mr Simpson said: “It’s great to have CaCHE on board as secretariat for the Cross Party Group.
“We are determined not to be a talking shop and to that end, we have already formed a small task group to produce a report on rent controls – something the Scottish Government has said they intend to bring forward.
“We will also be looking at the draft NPF4 and will be working very closely with the parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee.”
Ms Whitham added: “Having worked in the housing and homelessness for many years, I have a deep-seated belief that housing is about so much more than bricks and mortar. I believe the Housing CPG will continue to be a key driver in helping to ensure that we see housing as a human right and that the entire housing sector contributes hugely to our nation’s wellbeing.”
Professor Ken Gibb, who is the director of CaCHE and has recently completed a two-year study of rent controls, said: “CaCHE is delighted to have assumed this role supporting the CPG. We look forward to working with the convenor and deputy convenors, MSPs and other colleagues. The CPG on housing has a strong track record of doing meaningful and serious work. We hope to continue that tradition straightaway by undertaking a working group on the highly topical issue of rent control and also organising a submisson by the CPG to the ongoing NPF4 consultation.”