CaCHE report outlines economic benefits of housing support

The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) has published research which outlines the economic and social benefits of housing support.
Commissioned by the Housing Support Enabling Unit, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Scottish Commission for Learning Disabilities, Hanover Scotland, and Blackwood Homes and Care, the research has been motivated by the understanding that housing support is pivotal in supporting people but its benefits are not always well-understood.
Amidst growing financial pressures, the commissioning partners feel that it is key that the economic and social benefits of housing support can be demonstrated to encourage further investment in services.
The report recommends that national government and social policy leaders should map and increase data on housing support to strengthen preventative funding models.
It also recommends that housing support providers develop a national partnership effort to increase the impact of housing support, and the visibility of housing support should be increased by constructing well-defined budgetary areas for activity.
The full report can be found here.