Cairn celebrates success of intergenerational community project
A Stenhousemuir community empowerment project which brings generations together to read has been hailed a success by organiser Cairn.

The housing association recently hosted an event to recognise the achievements of its ‘Let’s Read Together’ initiative, which works with primary school pupils and residents of one of its retirement housing developments.
Created by the Larbert East Church of Scotland, Let’s Read Together has brought primary 6 and 7 children from Stenhousemuir Primary School with elderly tenants from Cairn’s Adam Grossert Court to read, play and craft together over 10 weeks.
At the end of the project, the intergenerational group collaborated to create an illustrated booklet, ‘Water, Every Drop Counts’ to showcase everything they’d learned.
Amanda Hiddleston, court coordinator at Adam Grossert Court, said: “It was wonderful to see the close connections built between the residents and children and it really boosted confidence of everyone involved.
“Our residents at Adam Grossert Court enjoyed seeing the young faces every week – it’s lovely companionship for them.
“Projects like these are so important because they bring the generations together in a really positive way where they can all learn from each other.”
Hilda Ewing, resident at Adam Grossert Court, said: “I really enjoyed working with the children and learning new things together. It was really good fun.”

Let’s Read Together is just one initiative being supported by the Cairn Community Fund, which awards grants to local projects in order to help communities thrive.
Since it launched in 2013, the fund has committed more than £60,000 to charities, clubs and good causes in Cairn’s communities across Scotland.
Grants of up to £1000 are available and can be utilised for a number of things, including the buying or hiring of equipment, training courses or ongoing venue costs.
Cairn Housing Association has over 25 years of experience creating quality, affordable housing with a property portfolio of 3,200 houses across 24 local authority areas.
It works closely in partnership with other housing associations to provide high quality affordable homes across Scotland.